Cynthia Marnik
CYNTHIA MARNIK has taught tap, jazz, ballet, aerobics, ballroom, and
Spanish dancing since the 1970's. Although she is affiliated with the
Deane School of Dance in Mendon and Salem, MA, she also teaches classes
for other dance studios on the North Shore. A member of the Deane Family,
she has experience as a professional dancer, singer, and actress. She has
also been on the faculty for DMA and DTCB seminars.
In addition to her study of dance with her mother and aunt, Georgia Deane
and Helen Deane, she has studied with E. Virginia Williams,
Sydney Leonard, Madame Valentina Periaslavic, Marina Svetlova,
Paul Draper, Harriet Hoctor, June Taylor, Paul Hakon, Gus Giordano,
and Luigi, to name a few.
She is the Director of the Salem Children's Theater, former member of
Boston Ballet, choreographer of about 50 musical theater productions,
former Chairman of the Salem Arts Council, a school teacher, Director
of a Miss America preliminary pageant, and an event planner.